Northwest Branch Newsletter

President’s Address

Dear ASCE Northwest Branch Members:

Thank you all for taking a moment to open this newsletter and check in on activity in the Northwest Branch since the last newsletter. We’ve participated in several STEAM Girls and Boys events through UW-Stevens Point, and the Branch hosted this year’s Spring Technical Conference. Thank you to all you attended the virtual 2023 Spring Technical Conference, and we hope to see you in person at upcoming Wisconsin Section Centennial Celebration activities, including the 2023 ASCE Wisconsin Section Centennial Year Celebration and Annual Meeting on Thursday and Friday, September 28th and 29th.

As advertised in this newsletter, I’d like to draw your attention to this year’s offering of the Goodell Scholarship. The application period is open and the $1,000 Goodell Scholarship will be awarded to a worthy applicant. Application criteria include a permanent address within the Northwest Branch geographical area, at least one full academic year of study by the end of 2023 in the engineering curriculum, and attendance at one of the several ABET-accredited engineering institutions in our area. Involvement in ASCE activities at their institution is a plus! Please reach out the applicable students in your lives and encourage them to apply. The deadline to apply is October 31, 2023.

Finally, I’d like to put a plug-in for the Northwest Branch’s LinkedIn page. Please follow our page for updates on Northwest Branch activity. We hope to use this platform to be more accessible to you and to provide you notices of upcoming events and recaps of past events. If you have any connections to ongoing construction projects and would be willing to host a site tour that you feel your fellow members would be interested in, let us know!


Corona Woychik, PE, PTOE

Northwest Branch President

Featured in Newsletter No. 135, August 2023

*As always, the views expressed in the president’s message are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official positions of ASCE.

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